""" File: tester.py Author: Diesburg Description: This file serves as a tester for lab09. Running this script will automatically import all functions from your lab09.py file and test them. If you get a red error right away, your function names may not be named exactly as I requested, and my tester will not be able to test your code. """ #This statement "imports" all functions in your lab09.py file so that they #can be called from this file. from lab09 import * def checkResults(actual,expected,function): """check the results of a function you created""" if actual!=expected: print(function,"was supposed to return",expected,"but returned",actual) return None #Actual tester program starts here print("Start checking for errors") data = [1,2,3,1,2,4,1,4,5] #Checking myCount function checkResults(myCount(data,1),3,"myCount") checkResults(myCount(data,2),2,"myCount") checkResults(myCount(data,5),1,"myCount") checkResults(myCount(data,6),0,"myCount") #Checking myIndex function checkResults(myIndex(data,1),0,"myIndex") checkResults(myIndex(data,5),8,"myIndex") checkResults(myIndex(data,6),-1,"myIndex") #Checking contains function checkResults(contains(data,1),True,"contains") checkResults(contains(data,5),True,"contains") checkResults(contains(data,6),False,"contains") #Checking myInsert function data = [] copy = [] copy.insert(0,"apple") checkResults(myInsert(data,0,"apple"),copy,"myInsert") data = [1,2,3,1,2,4,1,4,5] copy = data[:] copy.insert(0,2) checkResults(myInsert(data,0,2),copy,"myInsert") data = [1,2,3,1,2,4,1,4,5] copy = data[:] copy.insert(9,2) checkResults(myInsert(data,9,2),copy,"myInsert") data = [1,2,3,1,2,4,1,4,5] copy = data[:] copy.insert(4,2) checkResults(myInsert(data,4,2),copy,"myInsert") #Checking reverse function data = [1,2,3,1,2,4,1,4,5] copy = data[:] copy.reverse() checkResults(myReverse(data),copy,"reverse") print("Done checking for errors")