""" Title: prizeMoney.py Author: Sarah Diesburg Comment: Calculates athlete prize money based on the number of gold, silver, and bronze medals that they win in the olympics. Deadline : ONTIME """ #Identify the prize money for each medal type GOLD_PRIZE = 25000 SILVER_PRIZE = 15000 BRONZE_PRIZE = 10000 #Obtain the number of gold, silver, and bronze medals for the athlete goldMedals = input("How many gold medals? ") silverMedals = input('How many silver medals? ') bronzeMedals = input("How many bronze medals? ") gold = int(goldMedals) silver = int(silverMedals) bronze = int(bronzeMedals) #For each medal type, multiply the medal count with it’s prize amount. #Sum these three values to get total money won. total = gold*GOLD_PRIZE + silver*SILVER_PRIZE + bronze*BRONZE_PRIZE #Display total amount of money won print("This athlete has won $",total)