''' Program: vowelCounter.py Author: CS1 Description: Counts the number of different vowels in a string ''' #Get the string original = input("Enter a string ") #Set our counters numAs = 0 numIs = 0 numEs = 0 numOs = 0 numUs = 0 #For each letter, count the number of vowels for char in original: if char=="a" or char=="A": numAs = numAs +1 elif char=="e" or char=="E": numEs = numEs +1 elif char=="i" or char=="I": numIs = numIs +1 elif char=="o" or char=="O": numOs = numOs +1 elif char=="u" or char=="U": numUs = numUs +1 #Display the results print(numAs,numEs,numIs,numOs,numUs)