Exam 1 Study Guide ------------------ - Don't forget the first week and a half of class before we started programming! - Review the vocabulary in the slides concerning how a computer works - The parts of a computer - How to convert base-10 numbers into binary (base-2) numbers - How to convert binary numbers into base-10 numbers - Storage units of measure (bits, bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes) - How to convert from one unit of measure to another - Look through the class slides and be sure you know the bolded vocabulary words. - Understand how to prompt the user for input using input(). - Understand how to display results using print(). - Understand the string, float, and int data types and how to convert from one type to another type. - How to use if, elif, and else. - How to use for loops and while loops. (Nested loops won't be on the test.) - Be able to explain the difference in words between a for loop and a while loop. How should I study for this test? - Go through the class slides. - Look over your lab programs and try to make them again from scratch. - For extra practice, go over the challenges in your book again.