""" File : averageLoopAndAHAlf.py Author : CS 1510 Description : Calculates the average score for a set of scores The user enters a -1 to signal that they are done entering scores. This version actually asks the question twice - 1) Just outside the loop to give it a starting value 2) Then at the END of the loop This version means you don't have to adjust. """ print("Enter the scores one at at a time.") print("Enter -1 to signal that you are done.") sumOfScores = 0 totalQuizzes = 0 score = int(input("Please enter a score: ")) while score!=-1: sumOfScores += score totalQuizzes = totalQuizzes +1 score = int(input("Please enter a score: ")) average = sumOfScores/totalQuizzes print("Your average on",totalQuizzes,"quizzes is",average)