/*********************************************************** * TODO: Fill in this area and delete this line * Name of program: * Authors: * Description: **********************************************************/ /* These are the included libraries. You may need to add more. */ #include #include #include #include /* Put any symbolic constants (defines) here */ #define True 1 /* C has no booleans! */ #define False 0 /* I don't want to see any global variables in this program. -5 pts * for any global variable used. */ /* Declarations go here for functions that are called before they * are defined. For example, the function named helper is called * in main before it is defined, so I declare it here. */ int helper(int dummy_var); /* This is the main function of your project, and it will be run * first before all other functions. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Variable definitions go at the top of functions */ int dummy_var = 1; printf("Hello, world!\n"); helper(dummy_var); return 0; /* Success */ } /* Comments describing what each function does must be included on * top of each function. -5 pts for each undocumented function. */ int helper(int dummy_var) { printf("dummy var is %i\n", dummy_var); return 0; /* Success */ }