Dash Robot Information

CS 1150 PEEE

Preparing For Dash Programming

Programming the Dash robot requires using the Blockly for Dash & Dot app. It requires an iOS tablet or smartphone or an Android tablet or phone. You should be able to download the app from your app store. We have some old iPads for use with our robots but they seem to work less than ideally. If you wish, you may use your own device for working with a dash to allow for outside-of-class examination of your programs. You come to my office to play with a dash robot if you wish.

To work with dash you will need to fire up the tablet/phone and select and run the Blockley app. The app communicates via Bluetooth to talk to the robot. But, you will have to establish communication between the tablet and robot (get connected). Once connected you might wish to solve some of the puzzles to familiarize yourself with the dash environment or proceed directly to creating your own programs. Hopefully, you can figure that out.

The password to the iPads is   csed

Programming the Dash

The Blockley language for Dash is similar in nature to Scratch. The actions/capabilities (specific blocks) are different, of course. Once you have explored dash you should attempt to have your robot accomplish the following tasks.

After exploring a bit, perhaps working a few puzzles, create programs that allow you to: