CS 1150 Programming Environments for Elementary Education

J. Philip East (Spring 2018)

What's New?

May 9 I have finished grading. My grade book posting is available. Please let me know if you have questions or concerns or are interested in discussing anything about the class. Have a good summer.

Activity History

03/26 Nothing submitted robot programming activity. PAC comments on robot programming. Due 04/20 5:00 pm.

03/20 Logo Initials. Due 03/28 11:59 pm PAC-7. Due 03/29 11:59 pm.

03/06 Logo Tutorials. Due 03/21 10:00 pm

02/20 Trivia. Due 02/27 10:00 pm PAC-6. Due 02/28 10:00 pm.

02/12 Initials. Due 02/15 10:00 pm PAC-5. Due 02/16 10:00 pm.

02/06 Story telling. Due (?) 02/09 5:00 pm PAC-4. Due 02/10 5:00 pm.

01/26 Animation. Due 02/01 5:00 pm PAC-3. Due 02/02 5:00 pm.

01/17 Polygons & Spiralling. Due 01/23 01/25 (11:59 pm) PAC-2. Due 01/24 01/26 (11:59 pm).

01/05 code.org. Due 01/16 (5:00 pm) PAC-1. Due 01/17 (5:00 pm).

General Information

PACs Expectations and Information


Course Text

At the moment, I do not plan to formally adopt a text. I will occasionally ask you to read manuals/tutorials on various programming environments.

Some (possibly) useful links