1) Below is a solution to Homework #4 that uses arrays. Notice the usage of comments and white space.

/* File: pgm4.c

Programmer: Mark Fienup

Homework assignment #4 with arrays

October 2004

Description: This program tallies the weekly sales for a mail-order house.

The mail order house sells five different products whose retail prices are

stored in the array retailPrices. The program should read a series of

product number and quantity sold pairs. A sentinel-value of -999 is used

for the product number to stop input.


#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX_PRODUCT 5 // Total number of products

// function prototypes

void InitializePrices( float retailPrices[] );

void ReadProductsAndQuantities( int productQuantities[] );

void PrintSummary( float retailPrices[], int productQuantities[] );

int main() {

float retailPrices[MAX_PRODUCT + 1]; // we'll waste element 0

int productQuantities[MAX_PRODUCT + 1] = {0};



PrintSummary(retailPrices, productQuantities);

} // end main

/* This function initializes the retail prices in the array retailPrices.

Product 1's price is at index 1, etc.


void InitializePrices( float retailPrices[] ) {

retailPrices[1] = 3.44;

retailPrices[2] = 5.02;

retailPrices[3] = 2.14;

retailPrices[4] = 6.30;

retailPrices[5] = 7.11;

} // end InitializePrices

/* This function reads the product # and quantity pairs from the user until a

sentinel value of -999 is read. The quantities of each product are tallied

in the corresponding productsQuantities element, i.e., product 1's quantity

tally is stored at productQuantities[1], etc.


void ReadProductsAndQuantities( int productQuantities[] ) {

int productNumber; // Users choice number of what product

int quantity; // Number of units sold

printf("Enter the a product number (or -999 to quit): ");

scanf("%d", &productNumber);

while (productNumber != -999) {

if ( productNumber >= 1 && productNumber <= MAX_PRODUCT) {

printf("How many were purchased? ");

scanf("%d", &quantity);

productQuantities[productNumber] += quantity;

} else {

printf("Product number must be between 1 and %d!\n", MAX_PRODUCT);

} // end if

printf("Enter the a product number (or -999 to quit): ");

scanf("%d", &productNumber);

} // end while

} // end ReadProductsAndQuantities

/* This function calculates and displays the total retail sales for

each products individually and the total overall sales.


void PrintSummary( float retailPrices[], int productQuantities[] ) {

int index;

double totalSales;

totalSales = 0.0;

printf("\n \n SUMMARY OF SALES\n");

for (index = 1; index <= MAX_PRODUCT; index++ ) {

printf("There were %d Product %d's sold. Totaling $%.2f. \n\n",

productQuantities[index], index,

productQuantities[index] * retailPrices[ index ] );

totalSales += productQuantities[index] * retailPrices[ index ];

} // end for

printf("TOTAL SALES: $ %.2f \n", totalSales);

} // end PrintSummary