/*  Simple program to add two integers together. */

#include <stdio.h>

int main ( )


int number1, number2; /* variables to hold the two integers */

int sum; /* variable to hold the sum */

printf("Enter the first number: "); /* print a prompt */

scanf("%d", &number1); /* read a number from the keyboard */

printf("Enter the second number: ");

scanf("%d", &number2);

sum = number1 + number2;

printf("The sum of %d and %d is %d.\n", number1, number2, sum);

return 0; /* 0 indicates program ended successfully */

} /* end main */

Compiling and running the program under Linux would look like:

$ emacs ex1.c

$ gcc -o ex1 ex1.c

$ ./ex1

Enter the first number: 5

Enter the second number: 10

The sum of 5 and 10 is 15.

NOTES about the program:

a) "#include <stdio.h> is a directive to the C preprocessor to include the standard input/output header file.

b) A functions in C returns a value. "main" is a special function where C programs start execution. The value returned by the main function indicates the status of execution.

c) When a function starts execution, a chuck of memory (called a "call frame") is allocated to hold its local variable (e.g., number1, number2, sum are named locations in memory).

d) C programming instructions/statements are terminated by a semicolon (";").

e) The "printf" module is sent ("passed") parameters/arguments to be printed. Double quotes("") indicate a character string to be printed with formatting information (%d) where variables values should go. The actual variables corresponding to the formatting information are listed after the character string. The "\n" is the escape sequence for the non-printable "newline" character.

f) The "scanf" module reads a specified type of data (%d for integer). Additionally, scanf needs the memory address of the variable where the datum is to be placed -- hence the "&" address-of operator.

/* Simple program to print a grade bases on 10 points off the top score. */

#include <stdio.h>

int main ( )


int highScore, minA, minB, minC, minD;

int scoreToAssign;

printf("Enter the highest score: "); /* print a prompt */

scanf("%d", &highScore); /* read highest score */

/* Calculate grade cutoffs */

minA = highScore - 10 + 1;

minB = minA - 10;

minC = minB - 10;

minD = minC - 10;

printf("Enter the score to be assigned: "); /* print a prompt */

scanf("%d", &scoreToAssign); /* read score to be assigned*/

if (scoreToAssign >= minA) {

printf("The score of %d receives an A.\n", scoreToAssign);

} /* end if */

if (scoreToAssign >= minB && scoreToAssign < minA) {

printf("The score of %d receives a B.\n", scoreToAssign);

} /* end if */

if (scoreToAssign >= minC && scoreToAssign < minB) {

printf("The score of %d receives the grade of C.\n", scoreToAssign);

} /* end if */

if (scoreToAssign >= minD && scoreToAssign < minC) {

printf("The score of %d receives the grade of D.\n", scoreToAssign);

} /* end if */

if (scoreToAssign < minD) {

printf("The score of %d receives the grade of F.\n", scoreToAssign);

} /* end if */

return 0; /* 0 indicates program ended successfully */

} /* end main */

/* Simple program to print a grade bases on 10 points off the top score. */

#include <stdio.h>

int main ( )


int highScore, minA, minB, minC, minD;

int scoreToAssign;

printf("Enter the highest score: "); /* print a prompt */

scanf("%d", &highScore); /* read highest score */

/* Calculate grade cutoffs */

minA = highScore - 10 + 1;

minB = minA - 10;

minC = minB - 10;

minD = minC - 10;

printf("Enter the score to be assigned: "); /* print a prompt */

scanf("%d", &scoreToAssign); /* read score to be assigned*/

if (scoreToAssign >= minA) {

printf("The score of %d receives an A.\n", scoreToAssign);

} else {

if (scoreToAssign >= minB) {

printf("The score of %d receives a B.\n", scoreToAssign);

} else {

if (scoreToAssign >= minC) {

printf("The score of %d receives the grade of C.\n", scoreToAssign);

} else {

if (scoreToAssign >= minD) {

printf("The score of %d receives the grade of D.\n", scoreToAssign);

} else {

printf("The score of %d receives the grade of F.\n", scoreToAssign);

} /* end if minD */

}/* end if minC */

}/* end if minB */

}/* end if minA */

return 0; /* 0 indicates program ended successfully */

} /* end main */