1) Rewrite the following program using "for" loops.

/* Simple program to .... */

#include <stdio.h>

int main ( )


int row, column;

int size;

printf("Enter the size: ");

scanf("%d", &size);

row = 1;

while (row <= size) {

column = 1;

while (column <= size) {

printf("* ");


} /* end while (column... */



} /* end while (row... */

return 0; /* 0 indicates program ended successfully */

} /* end main */

2) Write a sentinel-controlled program to average scores using a "do-while" loop.

/* Fig. 4.7: fig04_07.c Counting letter grades */
#include <stdio.h>

int main() { /* function main begins program execution */
int grade; /* one grade */
int aCount = 0; /* number of As */
int bCount = 0; /* number of Bs */
int cCount = 0; /* number of Cs */
int dCount = 0; /* number of Ds */
int fCount = 0; /* number of Fs */

printf( "Enter the letter grades.\n" );
"Enter the EOF character to end input.\n" );

/* loop until user types end-of-file key sequence */
while ( ( grade = getchar() ) != EOF ) {

/* determine which grade was input */
switch ( grade ) { /* switch nested in while */

case 'A': /* grade was uppercase A */
case 'a': /* or lowercase a */
++aCount; /* increment aCount */
break; /* necessary to exit switch */

case 'B': /* grade was uppercase B */
case 'b': /* or lowercase b */
++bCount; /* increment bCount */
break; /* exit switch */

case 'C': /* grade was uppercase C */
case 'c': /* or lowercase c */
++cCount; /* increment cCount */
break; /* exit switch */

case 'D': /* grade was uppercase D */
case 'd': /* or lowercase d */
++dCount; /* increment dCount */
break; /* exit switch */

case 'F': /* grade was uppercase F */
case 'f': /* or lowercase f */
++fCount; /* increment fCount */
break; /* exit switch */

case '\n': /* ignore newlines, */
case '\t': /* tabs, */
case ' ': /* and spaces in input */
break; /* exit switch */

default: /* catch all other characters */
printf( "Incorrect letter grade entered." );
" Enter a new grade.\n" );
break; /* optional; will exit switch anyway */
} /* end switch */

/* end while */

/* output summary of results */
printf( "\nTotals for each letter grade are:\n" );
"A: %d\n", aCount ); /* display number of A grades */
printf( "B: %d\n", bCount ); /* display number of B grades */
printf( "C: %d\n", cCount ); /* display number of C grades */
printf( "D: %d\n", dCount ); /* display number of D grades */
printf( "F: %d\n", fCount ); /* display number of F grades */

return 0; /* indicate program ended successfully */

} /* end function main */