Homework #2 - Due Oct. 7 (Tuesday)

The high-level language program to calculate xy could be written as

Main Program:
	result := 1
	for counter := 1 to y do
	     result := result * x
	end for

In assembly language this translates to the following program:

#  Mark Fienup <Your name here as a comment> 
x:	.word 2
y:	.word 3
result:	.word 0

	.globl main
	lw	$8, x			# store x in reg. $8
	lw 	$9, y			# store y in reg. $9
	li 	$10, 1			# store result in $10 and initialize it to 1
	li 	$11, 1			# store counter in $11 and initialize it to 1
	bgt	$11, $9, end_for
	mul	$10, $10, $8		# mult. result by x
	addi	$11, $11, 1
	j	for_compare

	sw	$10, result

	li	$v0, 10		# system code for exit

Your assignment is to type in the above program using some editor like Notepad (directions on back). Run the assembly language programming using pcspim. 

Turn in: Print out of the file containing the program and the resulting PCSpim window after running the program (directions on back).

Entering the Program using Notepad:

  1. Start | All Programs | Accessories | Notepad
  2. Type in the program in a new file
  3. File | Save As
  4. Print a copy of the program to hand in
  1. Start | All Programs | Programming | PCSpim
  2. Maximize the window by clicking on the 2nd icon in the upper right of the window
  3. Load the program by File | Open
  4. Run the program by Simulator | Go
  5. Copy the PCSpim window to the Window's Clipboard using <Alt><Print Screen> keys

Printing the PCSpim window using Word:

  1. Start | All Programs | Microsoft Office XP | Microsoft Word
  2. Paste in the PCSpim window from the Clipboard by Edit | Paste
  3. Change to landscape by File | Page Setup and then click "Lanscape" button
  4. Resize the frame containing the PCSpim picture by
  5. Print this picture of the PCSpim window to hand in