Control Hazards - branching causes problems since the pipeline can be filled with the wrong instructions.

Stage Abbreviation Actions
Instruction Fetch IF Read next instruction into CPU and increment PC by 4
Instruction Decode ID Determine opcode, read registers, compare registers (if branch), sign-extend immediate if needed, computer target address of branch, update PC if branch
Execution / Effective addr EX Calculate using operands prepared in ID
  • memory ref: add base reg to offset to form effective address
  • reg-reg ALU: ALU performs specified calculation
  • reg-immediate ALU: ALU performs specified calculation
Memory access MEM
  • load: read memory from effective address into pipeline register
  • store: write reg value from ID stage to memory at effective address
Write-back WB
  • ALU or load instruction: write result into register file

Example: Two possible "streams" of instruction

BEQ R3, R8, ELSE In what stage is the outcome of the comparison known?

ADD R4, R5, R6 ADD should not be executed if the branch is taken

SUB R8, R5, R6




ELSE: OR R3, R3, R2

Assume the branch is taken:

Instructions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
BEQZ R3, ELSE   IF ID EX MEM WB            
ADD R4, R5, R6     IF ID EX MEM WB  
ELSE: OR R3, R3, R2       IF ID EX MEM WB        

If the branch is taken, then there is a branch penalty of 1 cycle.

If the branch is not taken and we continue to fetch instructions sequentially, then there is no branch penalty.

How could reduce the branch penalty in the pipeline above?

Delayed Branching - define the branch such that one (or two) instruction(s) after the branch will always be executed.

Compiler automatically rearranges code to fill the delayed-branch slot(s) with instructions that can always be executed. Instructions in the delayed-branch slot(s) do not need to be flushed after branching. If no instruction can be found to fill the delayed-branch slot(s), the a NOOP instruction is inserted.

Without Delayed Branching With Delayed Branching
SUB R8, R2, R1


ADD R4, R5, R6



ELSE: ADD R3, R3, R2


SUB R8, R2, R1 # delay slot alway done

ADD R4, R5, R6



ELSE: ADD R3, R3, R2

Due to data dependences, the instruction before the branch cannot be moved into the branch-delay slot. Other alternative to consider are:

The Instruction at the Target of the Branch
Without Delayed Branching With Delayed Branching
LOOP: ADD R7, R8, R9




SUB R3, R2, R1


MUL R4, R5, R6

ADD R7, R8, R9




SUB R3, R2, R1


ADD R7, R8, R9 #delay slot

MUL R4, R5, R6

Can this technique always be used?

The Instruction From the Fall-Through of the Branch
Without Delayed Branching With Delayed Branching
SUB R3, R2, R1


ADD R8, R5, R6



ELSE: ADD R3, R3, R2

SUB R3, R2, R1


ADD R8, R5, R6 # delay slot



ELSE: ADD R3, R3, R2

Can this technique always be used?

Branch Prediction to reducing the branch penalty

Main idea: predict whether the branch will be taken and fetch accordingly

Fixed Techniques:

a) Predict never taken - continue to fetch sequentially. If the branch is not taken, then there is no wasted fetches.

b) Predict always taken - fetch from branch target as soon as possible

(From analyzing program behavior, > 50% of branches are taken.)

Static Techniques: Predict by opcode - compiler helps by having different opcodes based on likely outcome of the branch

Consider the HLL constructs:


CMP x, #0


{loop body}

end while END_WHILE:

Studies have found about a 75-82% successful prediction rate using this technique.

Dynamic Techniques: try to improve prediction by recording history of conditional branch

We need to store one or more history bits to reflect whether the most recent executions of the branch were taken or not.

Problem: How do we avoid always fetching the instruction after the branch?


Branch-History Table (BHT)- small, fully-associative cache to store information about most recently executed branch instructions. (Figure 8.13)

<Valid bit, Branch instruction address (tag), Target address, Taken / Not Taken prediction bit(s)>

During the FI stage, the Branch-History Table is checked to see if the instruction being fetched is a branch (if the addresses match) instruction.

If the instruction is a branch instruction and it is in the Branch-History Table, then the target address can be supplied by the BHT while the instruction is being fetched.

If the branch instruction is in the Branch-History Table, will the target address supplied correspond to the correct instruction to be execute next?

What if the instruction is a branch instruction and it is not in the Branch-History Table?

Should the Branch-History Table contain entries for unconditional as well as conditional branch instructions?

Table 8.2 shows the advantage of using a Branch-history table to improve accuracy of the branch prediction.


  1. the big jump in using the knowledge of just 1 past branch to predict the branch
  2. notice the big jump in going from using 1 to 2 past branches to predict the branch for scientific applications. What types of data do scientific applications spend most of their time processing? What would be true about the code for processing this type of data?

Typically, two prediction bits are use so that two wrong predictions in a row are need to change the prediction -- see Figure 8.12.

How does this help for nested loops?