Homework #6 - Due 3/25/04 (Thursday)

Write an MIPS assembly language program to perform bubble sort of n elements.

lastUnsorted = length - 1

sortedFlag = 0

while (lastUnsorted >= 1 and sortedFlag == 0) do

sortedFlag = 1

for test = 0 to lastUnsorted-1 do

if (numbers[test] > numbers[test+1]) then

temp = numbers[test]

numbers[test] = numbers[test+1]

numbers[test+1] = temp

sortedFlag = 0

end if

end for

lastUnsorted = lastUnsorted - 1

end while

Use the data below when you run your program.


numbers: .word 20, 30, 10, 40, 50, 60, 30, 25, 10, 5

length: .word 10


.globl main


. . .

li $v0, 10 # system code for exit


Detailed Directions:

  1. Write your assembly language program on paper first! I will not help anyone debug their program without your handwritten program.
  2. Type in your program using Notepad. If Notepad is not in the Start menu, go to "Run" and type "notepad". Remember to use quotes around the file name "hw5.s"
  3. Debug your MIPS assembly language program.
  4. When it is correct, run it to completion and copy to the Window's clipboard a snapshot of the PCSpim window by using the <Alt> and <Print Screen> keys together.
  5. Open up new Word document and set its page layout to Landscape by File | Page Setup | Paper Size and then select Landscape.
  6. Paste the snapshot of the PCSpim Debugger window into the Word document. Resize the snapshot to the margins and print a copy to turn in.
  7. Print a copy of the assembly language program to turn in too.
  8. Hand in a copy of your assembly language program and the snapshot of the PCSpim window showing the resulting sorted memory.