Below is the description of the hardware features of a typical desktop PC:

1) What does the processor do?

2) What is stored in main memory (RAM)?

3) What is stored on the hard disk?

4) What is the purpose of cache memory?

5) What terms relate to interconnection of internal PC components?

6) What terms relate to interconnection of external PC components?

7) What is a KB, MB, GB, MHz, GHz?8) What is the role of a compiler?

9) What advantages do high-level languages (Ada, C, C++, Java, COBOL, etc.) have over assembly language?

10) Why do people program in assembly language (AL)?

Instruction/Machine Cycle of stored-program computer - repeat all day

1. Fetch Instruction - read instruction pointed at by the program counter (PC) from memory into Instr. Reg. (IR)

2. Decode Instruction - figure out what kind of instruction was read

3. Fetch Operands - get operand values from the memory or registers

4. Execute Instruction - do some operation with the operands to get some result

5. Write Result - put the result into a register or in a memory location

(Note: Sometime during the above steps, the PC is updated to point to the next instruction.)