Labs for Computer Science I (810:059)

Lab 1 - Due 1/31/02 Lab and jGrasp orientation

Lab 2 - Due 2/7/02 Converting from centimeter to feet and inches using MainWindow, InputBox, and OutputBox

Lab 3 - Due 2/14/02 Determine the dimension of various shaped pizzas for a specified area using the Math package

Lab 4 - Due 2/21/02 Write a new instantiable class Product to keep track of a produce at a store.

Lab 5 - Due 3/7/02 Modify the Product and CashRegister classes to keep track of the inventory at Wally's store.

Lab 6 - Due 3/14/02 Write a simple application using a loop to print a Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion table

Lab 7 - Due 3/28/02 Write a simple application using nested loops to print a wind-chill table. Rewrite the application to use an auxiliary method to print the wind-chill table.

Lab 8 - Due 4/4/02 Write a generalize Pig Latin class. Use two objects (one for Pig Latin and one for CS Latin) to translate English sentences.

Lab 9 - Due 4/18/02 Write Die class and simplify Yahtzee game.

Lab 10 - Due 4/30/02 Redo lab 9 as an Applet using the AWT Label and Button GUI components.