import objectdraw.*; import java.awt.*; // CS I (810:061) Laboratory 1 // Enter your name, section, and the date here. public class NoClicking2 extends WindowController{ // Declaration of Instance Variables/Instance Fields/Data Members // Declaration of Methods // begin - executed when the program starts to execute public void begin() { FilledRect signBackground = new FilledRect(150, 50, 100, 100, canvas); signBackground.setColor(Color.yellow); new FramedRect(150, 50, 100, 100, canvas); new Text("CLICKING", 170, 93, canvas); FramedOval noCircle = new FramedOval(155, 55, 90, 90, canvas); Line noSlash = new Line(169, 69, 230, 130, canvas); noCircle.setColor(; noSlash.setColor(; // INSERT YOUR COMMANDS FROM LAB 1 THAT COMPLETED THE SIGN AND GROUND } // end begin public void onMouseEnter(Location point) { // commands placed here are executed when the mouse enters the program window } // end onMouseEnter public void onMouseExit(Location point) { // commands placed here are executed when the mouse leaves the program window } // end onMouseExit public void onMousePress(Location point) { // commands placed here are executed when the mouse button is depressed } // end onMousePress public void onMouseRelease(Location point) { // commands placed here are executed when the mouse button is released } // end onMouseRelease } // end NoClicking2