Main Idea of a Cache - keep a copy of frequently used information as "close" (w.r.t access time) to the processor as possible.

Steps when the CPU generates a memory request:

1) check the (faster) cache first

2) If the addressed memory value is in the cache (called a hit), then no need to access memory

3) If the addressed memory value is NOT in the cache (called a miss), then transfer the block of memory containing the reference to cache. (The CPU is stalled waiting while this occurs)

4) The cache supplies the memory value from the cache.

Effective Memory Access Time

Suppose that the hit time is 10 ns, the cache miss penalty is 1600 ns, and the hit rate is 99%.

Effective Access Time (hit time * hit probability) + (miss penalty * miss probability)

Effective Access Time = 10 * 0.99 + 1600 * (1 - 0.99) = 9.9 + 16.0 = 25.9 ns

(One way to reduce the miss penalty is to not have the cache wait for the whole block to be read from memory before supplying the accessed memory word.)

Fortunately, programs exhibit locality of reference that helps achieve high hit-rates:

1) spatial locality - if a (logical) memory address is referenced, nearby memory addresses will tend to be referenced soon.

2) temporal locality - if a memory address is referenced, it will tend to be referenced again soon.

Cache - Small fast memory between the CPU and RAM/Main memory.


Number of Cache Line

Three Types of Cache:

1) Direct-mapped - a memory block maps to a single cache line

Cache - Small fast memory between the CPU and RAM/Main memory.


Number of Cache Line

2) Fully-Associative Cache - a memory block can map to any cache line

Advantage: Flexibility on what's in the cache

Disadvantage: Complex circuit to compare all tags of the cache with the tag in the target address

Therefore, they are expensive and slower so use only for small caches (say 8-64 lines)

Replacement algorithms - on a miss of a full cache, we must select a block in the cache to replace

3) Set-Associative Cache - a memory block can map to a small (2, 4, or 8) set of cache lines

Common Possibilities:

Number of Sets

Block/Line Size

The larger the line size:

Number of Caches:


split caches - separate smaller caches for data and instructions

unified cache - data and instructions in the same cache

Advantages of each:

split caches - reduces contention for "memory" between instruction and data accesses

unified caches - balances the load between instructions and data automatically

(e.g., a tight loop might need more data blocks than instruction blocks)

Types of Cache Misses:

Studying the performance of a cache vs. characteristics of the cache:

Write Policy - do we keep the cache and memory copy of a block identical???

Just reading a shared variable causes no problems - all caches have the same value

Writing can cause a "cache-coherency problem"

Write Policies

write back - CPU only changes local cache copy until that block is replaced, then it is written back to memory (a UPDATE/DIRTY bit is associated with each cache line to indicate if it has been modified). If we assume that CPU 0 writes the block back to memory before CPU 1, then X's resulting value will be 6. Thereby, discarding the effect of "X:=X+2".

Disadvantage(s) of writeback?

Advantage(s) of writeback?

write through - on a write to a cache block, write to the main memory copy to keep it up to date

To avoid stalling the CPU on a write, a write buffer can be used to allow the CPU to continue execution without stalling to wait for the write.

write miss options:

write allocate - the block written to is read into the cache before updating

no-write allocate - no block is allocated in the cache and only the lower-level memory is modified

Cache Coherency Solutions

a) bus watching with write through / Snoopy caches - caches eavesdrop on the bus for other caches write requests. If the cache contains a block written by another cache, it take some action such as invalidating it's cache copy.

The MESA protocol is a common cache-coherency protocol.

b) noncachable memory - part of memory is designated as noncachable, so the memory copy is the only copy. Access to this part of memory always generate a "miss".

c) Hardware transparency - additional hardware is added to update all caches and memory at once on a write.