High-level Language Programmer's View


maxNum = 3

maxPower = 4

CalculatePowers(maxNum, maxPower)


. . .

end main

CalculatePowers(In: integer numLimit,

integer powerLimit)

integer num, pow, result

for num := 1 to numLimit do

for pow := 1 to powerLimit do

Power(num, pow, result)

(**) print num " raised to " pow " power is "


end for pow

end for num

end CalculatePowers

Power( In: integer n, integer e, Out: result)

if e = 0 then

result = 1

else if e = 1 then

result = n


Power(n, e - 1, result)

result = result * n (***)

end if

end Power

1) Trace the execution of the recursive function Power by showing the run-time stack.

2) What is the most number of call frames on the stack for the whole program?

Assembly-language Programmer's View

3) Trace the hypothetical assembly language program and indicate the resulting value of the registers Reg1, Reg2, Reg3, and Reg4.


X: .WORD 2 ; variable X initialized at assembly time to 2

Y: .WORD 3 ; variable Y initialized at assembly time to 3

Z: .WORD 0 ; variable Z initialized at assembly time to 0



LOAD Reg1, X ; loads X's value into register Reg1

LOAD Reg2, Y

ZERO Reg3 ; sets Reg3's value to 0

MOVE Reg4, Reg2 ; Reg4 := Reg2


ADD Reg3, Reg3, Reg1 ; Reg3 := Reg3 + Reg1

SUB_IMMEDIATE Reg4, Reg4, #1 ; Reg4 := Reg4 - 1

BRANCH_GREATER_THAN_ZERO Reg4, Loop ; if Reg4 > 0 then goto Loop label

STORE Reg3, Z ; store Reg3's value into variable Z


  Reg1 Reg2 Reg3 Reg4
Resulting register values        

a) What is the resulting value in Z?

b) What calculation does this code perform?

4) During the execution of the above assembly language code: (Assuming no cache)

a) How many memory reads were performed? (state any assumptions)

# data reads =

# instruction reads (assume one read per instruction-fetch) =

b) How many memory writes were performed? (state any assumptions)

5) List (in decreasing order of importance) why somebody would write assembly language code.

(top reason) a)



6) What kind of curve is 35% per year improvement? (linear, quadratic, exponential, etc.)

7) In the "Machine-Instruction Weighted" columns in Table 12.2 (Stalling) why does a subroutine call require many assembly-language instructions?

8) In the "Memory-Reference Weighted" columns in Table 12.2 (Stallings) why does the subroutine call take even longer when memory accesses are considered?