1. Phrase the 0-1 Knapsack problem in terms of a decision problem (Yes/No answer).

2. One of the biggest open-questions in Computer Science is whether P = NP.

a) What would need to be done to show that P = NP?

b) What would need to be done to show that P NP?

Definition of polynomial-time reducibility

Decision problem A reduces to decision problem B if any instance of problem A, say IAi, can be transformed into an instance of problem B, say IBj, such that

a) transformation time is a polynomial in the size of IAi (call it nA),

b) the size of IBj polynomial w.r.t. to size of IAi , and

c) Algorithm B with IBj as input answers "yes" if and only if algorithm A with IAi as input

answers "yes".

We say "A reduces to problem B," or "A B"

3. Assume there exists a polynomial-time transformation from decision problem A to decision problem B.

a) If we can solve B in poly. time, then how fast can we solve A?

b) If A is known to be "hard", say best worst-case algorithm of (2n), then what can we conclude about B?