TEST ONE - SPRING 2007 - Friday, February 16th -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********* TEXTBOOK: ********* 0. Chapter one - Computer, Internet, Web and E-Mail Basics Section A: Computer Basics Techtalk: The Boot Process 1. Chapter two - Computer Hardware Section A: Data Representation and Digital Electronics Section B. Microprocessors and Memory Section C: Storage Devices Section D: Input and Output Devices Tech Talk: How a Microprocessor Executes Instructions (page 100-103 was covered in depth in lectures) 2. Chapter six - Web Pages, Web Sites, and E-Commerce Section A: Web Technology Section B: Basic Web Page Authoring 3. Quick Check questions we did as an assignment for these chapter six sections, and for chapter two section A. Study Tips - Page 116 - Do #2, #3, #6, #8, #15 Key Terms - Page 112 - Access time, ALU, ASCII, Binary digits, Cache, CISC, RISC, ROM, ROM BIOS, Dual core processor, Level 1 cache, Level 2 cache, Read-write head, ------------------ Refresh rate, Registers, Pipelining, Pixels, Lectures and Labs: Instruction cycle, Machine code, Op code, Operands, ------------------ RAM, Resolution, Dot pitch, Storage medium, Graphics card 4. Know the 4 generations of electronic digital computers. Know who John Vincent Atanasoff was. 5. Know how to translate from binary to decimal and from decimal to binary. The BookOnCD binary lab would be helpful to redo again. Example: What is the decimal value of binary number 10110111? Show your work. What is the decimal value of the binary number 1000000011? Show your work. What is the base ten decimal number 234 when translated into binary? Show your work. 6. Know the handout on the 6 basic components of any computer system (the 6th is the BUS). (CPU, Mp, Ms, In, Out, Bus). 7. Know the concepts of the fetch/execute cycle that all computers operate on. Know what components are involved. Know how cache memory (L1 and L2 cache) speeds things up for the fetch/execute cycle - aka Machine Cycle on your handout). 8. Know acronyms like CPU and ALU and CU (control unit) and registers. Know what the PC (aka IAR aka Instruction Pointer) is for. Know what is wrong with the page 101 diagram in the book. What does RAM stand for? ROM? 9. Study the web page and its links, especially the lecture reviews/summaries. 10. Be able to write some HTML. The practice test and quiz handouts will be a great resource to utilize. OL, UL, LI, BACKGROUND=, BGCOLOR=, TITLE, B, I, U, H1, H2, H3, CENTER, IMR SRC=, A HREF= /A, HR, HR NOSHADE, HTML, HEAD, BODY, are the main TAGs that I can think of right now. 11. Graphics: Phosphors and pixels, RGB = Red, Green, Blue graphics, Expressing a color value in hexadecimal (base 16), using the 16 different digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F) where the letters A, B, C, D, E and F are digits. We need SIX extra digits for base 16. BGCOLOR="FF0000" RED = FF = 11111111 = 255 BGCOLOR="00FF00" GREEN = FF = 11111111 = 255 BGCOLOR="0000FF" BLUE = FF = 11111111 = 255 BGCOLOR="FF00FF" PURPLE = Maximum RED + Maximum BLUE BGCOLOR="FFFF00" YELLOW = Maximum RED + Maximum GREEN BGCOLOR="DCDCDC" Light Gray BGCOLOR="777777" Medium Dark Gray BGCOLOR="505050" Dark Gray F = 1111 in binary and F = 15 in decimal One base 16 digit like F = 1111 or A = 1010 or 9 = 1001 or 3 = 0011 represents one half byte (4 binary digits = 4 bits). One half byte is called a nybble. One byte = 2 nybbles. Thinking Hexadecimally is linked to from the week two row of: http://math-cs.cns.uni.edu/~jacobson/c021.html http://homepage.mac.com/jakesan/DHP/page0/page5/page5.html 12. What are the four phases of the problem solving/programming process? See the http://math-cs.cns.uni.edu/~jacobson/ghost.txt URL. See the http://math-cs.cns.uni.edu/~jacobson/waggle.txt URL for a listing of the four different steps: Step 1 Understand WHAT the problem is. Absorb its language and become familiar with its terms and its data and output. Step 2 Develop a top-level plan, a step by step algorithm of HOW to solve the problem. You developed a fairly deep understanding of the problem from step 1 phase of listening and learning efforts. #1. UNDERSTAND IT before you #2. PLAN HOW TO SOLVE IT. Before going on to step 3 with your plan (algorithm), ask: a. is this plan simple enough to comprehend and work with. ------ b. does this plan capture the whole problem, is this plan adequate, does it solve the problem as stated? -------- Criteria: Is it a simple and an adequate plan? Step 3: Translate the step 2 plan into the programming language of your choice. Code it in Fortran or Pascal or C or LOGO or Alice or Flash ActionScript. Step 4: Test and debug your program. 12. Page 71: What is the difference between serial processing, pipelining, and parallel processing? What is the difference between CISC and RISC? What is a dual core processor? (page 72). 13. Page 89: Quick Check questions Page 88: What is different about the DVD drive of a computer and the DVD drive of the DVD player for your TV? Page 79: Magnetic storage and read-write head mechanism. Page 78: Two main components of a data storage system? (Ms) Page 83: Why hard drives are so popular? Know the three reasons. 14. Know the following terms: Page 92 dot pitch (dp), pixels, refresh rate, viewable image size (vis) Page 112 Key Terms Integrated Circuit, Dual core processor, Megahertz, Gigahertz, Serial Processing, Parallel Processing, Head crash, Extended ASCII, Plasma screen, LCD. 15. Tech Talk Pages 40-43 - be able to answer the Quick Check questions on page 43. Page 54 Key Terms Beep code, Byte, Boot Process, Power-on self-test (POST) 16. Draw a likeness of the Decimal Tab symbol as it appears on the Microsoft Word ruler. 17. Draw a likeness of the Right Tab symbol or icon as it appears on the ruler.