From Wed Oct 11 22:49:12 2006 Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 17:44:13 -0500 (CDT) From: Mark Jacobson To: Subject: [810-022-01-FALL] The Price Excel Label for CarLoan.xls Hi 022 students, I changed my column label from Price to thePrice, because the newest versions of Microsoft Excel have PRICE as: (1,287,126,970.00), i.e. as a negative number greater than 1 billion -1,287,126,970.00 B K L -------- ------------------- ------- thePrice 91 Mercury Sable $10,500 <---- row 2 Down 88 Nissan Pulsar NX $6,350 Loan 90 Toyota Camry $8,950 Interest 88 Dodge Lancer ES $6,299 Years 87 BMW 325 $7,959 Payment 91 Chev Camaro $6,796 88 Mazda MX6 $8,500 Price is a BAD name unless you have a much older version of Microsoft Excel. If you use carPrice or Car Price or thePrice, you will be okay. Price gets changed to PRICE and is NO GOOD!!! ----- ----- In Excel 97, this was NOT a problem, but in Excel 2003 and after it is not possible to use Price as a name, apparently. The CarLoan.xls Excel spreadsheet you are using to go with the Lesson10 handout, which prepares you for the Precious Metals assignment with Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Tin, etc. Price per ounce Total ounces Total cost can be changed to Pricing per ounce Ounces Cost For column B and cells B3, B4 and B5 of the Metals.xls assignment. Pricing per ounce 22 Ounces 8 Cost 176 Pricing per ounce 22 Ounces 8 Cost =Pricing_per_ounce*Ounces Notice that the Insert menu, Define Name command will suggest the name with underscores under_scores to make the name one unit, without any blank spaces. So when I Insert menu, Name Define... command I do it to the RIGHT of the cell with Pricing per ounce, which is cell C3. Then I click the Add button to actually assign the suggested name Pricing_per_ounce to cell C3. Then I click OK and its done and the formula can say =Pricing_per_ounce * Ounces instead of = C3 * C4 (If I defined Ounces too). Car Price for CarLoan.xls would mean that Car_Price would be the suggested name, if you did Insert menu, Name Define... and clicked the Add button, and then OK. See you in lab for the hands-on class on Friday. IPO = Input Processing Output I I I O O O Function justOddCharacters( theWord As String ) As String str = "" P For i = 1 to Len( theWord ) Step 2 P str = str & Mid(theWord, i, 1) P Next i P justOddCharacters = str O End Function ----------------------------------------------------------- Sub demoFunction_justOddCharacters() Range("A1").Value = justOddCharacters("ABCDEFGHIJKL") inputData = "Ghostbusters" outputResult = justOddCharacters( inputData ) Range("A2").Value = outputResult Range("A3").Value = justOddCharacters( Range("C1").Value ) End Sub ----------------------------------------------------------- A B C 1 ACEGIK UNI Panthers rule!! 2 Gotutr 3 UIPnhr ue! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I = INPUT which UNI Panthers rule!! is, along with ABCDEFGHIJKL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - and Ghostbusters - - - - - - What is the output of the function for each one of the INPUTS? What processing had to happen to get the OUTPUT from the given INPUT???? I The function takes a string like Ghostbusters as INPUT. O The function producs a string like Gotutr as OUTPUT. P Processing is HOW it gets from I to O. The statements INSIDE the function show the HOW to get from the starting point ABCDEFGHIJK to the ----------- desired result ACEGIK ------ I O Function descriptiveFunctionNameFocusOnWHATitDoes( input ) As output Type HOW details of getting I transformed to desired O descriptiveFunctionNameFocusOnWHATitDoes = O (desired RESULT is O as in Output) End Function - Mark