Rolling Dice and Counting Doubles - 11/04 and 11/09 classes
Lots of lessons for the Shooting Free Throws assignment...

Send your FREE THROWS VBA assignment as an attachment to

You will need to save it as a MACRO ENABLED workbook for Excel 2007 or Excel 2010 Office versions.

VIP: How to Create the Update History macro - we did this entire macro during the 11/04/Thursday hands-on class in StudioIT 1 ITT 134 lab.

Send your FREE THROWS VBA assignment as an attachment to

VIP: You need to understand this for the final exam, so might as well study and understand it in order to do your Excel VBA macro project.

The project will be completed much faster with less frustration if you do patiently study all these examples until understanding occurs. Biction means consume some ink and scratch paper or get the lead out of a pencil and onto some paper. If the ink don't flow, the understanding don't grow.