Flashy Friday 12/12/08 example for final
Four things that can be Motion Tweened besides changes of location

The angle of the Symbol can be Motion Tweened several different ways. The easiest way is to set the Rotate to either CW or CCW in the Property Inspector when a Frame has a Motion Tween and is between two Keyframes (KF).
Color (Tint)
Does the color change from one color to another color? That is the TINT property of the Motion Tweened symbol.
Alpha (transparency)
The symbol is invisible (Alpha = 0) and when you click the Say Hello button, it gradually becomes visible (Alpha = 100). At the end of the animation, it gradually moves from 100% alpha to 0% alpha. Visibility or the alpha property (Transparency) can thus be Motion Tweened.
The Width and/or the Height (W: and H: in the Flash Property Inspector panel) can change from smaller to larger or larger to smaller.
The location or position of any object can change between two keyframes. In the above animation, that is the only thing that was NOT Motion Tweened. It might have been exciting to see the Hello!!! move across the stage while changing size and color and transparency as the same time, all the while twirling either clockwise or counterclockwise. However, that was not demonstrated here as that could possibly be too much excitement on a cold December day on the Friday before final exam week. :-) Position is indicated in the Property Inspector as X: and Y: and is just to the right of W: and H: values for any object you have selected on the Flash stage.

gotoUNI_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sayHello);
function sayHello(evt:MouseEvent):void
stop();    is built into the object named "hello", which is invisible,
           i.e. has Alpha = 0, which means it is totally TRANSPARENT.

The stop(); keeps the exciting Hello message from playing, until

   1. the user clicks the gotoUNI_btn

   2. gotoUNI_btn is listening, and HEARS the CLICK of the Mouse, and 

   3. responds by doing the sayHello() function shown above, which
      consists of one single Actionscript statement:

   4. hello.play();

           causes the object with instance name "hello" to 
           play through its 130 frames and its 5 Keyframes,
           showing the things that can be Motion Tweened besides
           change of location.

              Color, Alpha, Rotation (Angle or CW and CCW) and size.
              -----  -----  --------                           ----

Can you hear me now?

gotoUNI_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sayHello);
function sayHello(evt:MouseEvent):void

  gotoUNI_btn has ears, can hear, has an EventListener added to it!
                             ---              --------

  Can you hear me now?  If you do, execute the sayHello function.

  play() the hello object's Motion Tweened ANIMATION.