****** Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Excel Assignment One******* --- ****** Due date: Monday, September 11th, 2006 at the start of class. DUE DATE EXTENSION - DUE WEDNESDAY the 13th instead of on Monday. ------------- ****** Note: If you attend class, and need until the end of the day to finish it up, there will be no penalty. Do NOT skip class to work on the --- ---- assignment. 1. Turn in a printout of your Excel VBA code. You should include some comments including who wrote the program, what the due date is and so on. 2. Have your message box print the name of the rectangle that won the race. ---- 3. Feel free to customize the code, as you see fit. You can display the who won the race message in a spreadsheet cell instead of by using a MSGBOX, if you wish. 4. Turn in a screen snapshot of the running application during the race, and a screen snapshot of the finish of the race. Use Alt+PrintScreen to capture the active window. Use PrintScreen by itself to capture the entire monitor screen, including all visible windows. You would need to do this to be able to show the MSGBOX and the background Excel spreadsheet in the same snapshot. The PrintScreen key (or Alt+PrintScreen) captures the screen (or just the active window) to the Windows Clipboard. To print out the screen or active window snapshot you took with the PrintScreen or Alt+PrintScreen camera, you need to open up Word or WordPerfect or Paint or PhotoShop and use the Edit menu, Paste command. This will put the snapshot into the document or onto the canvas. Edit menu, Paste or Control+V. 5. See http://www.cns.uni.edu/~jacobson/RacingRects.html for further ideas, but you DO NOT need to do the more advanced version of racing rectangles. However, feel free to add some of the advanced features, as you wish. The Finish line would be very nice. 6. Check the web page for our class at http://www.cns.uni.edu/~jacobson/c022.html often, at least 4 times per week. 7. When you name the rectangles, you will need to press the Enter key, or the name will NOT be recorded by Excel. 8. We will have a hands-on class on Friday, September 8th. 9. Additional office hours to those on syllabus. Walk in hours at the (SCL) Statistical Consulting Lab in WRT 338A will be: Monday 08:15-10:30 Please email jacobson@cs.uni.edu Tuesday 11:00-02:00 to ensure a time or to set Wednesday 03:30-04:30 up a meeting outside of these Thursday 11:30-02:00 scheduled times. Friday .. by appt