The 2nd part of your October 1st due assignment is to create a customized toolbar to allow quick access to many of the commands in the Tools0 menu, Options command View tab dialog box.  You will create a toolbar with six different icons.  A quick way to access the Tools menu Options command is the Alt, T, O key sequence.  Here is what the customized toolbar looks like:


Here is a list of what each toolbar button does:


1.       Show or hide the Formulas for the Excel worksheet.

2.       Show or hide the Horizontal scroll bar.

3.       Show or hide the Vertical scroll bar.

4.       Show or hide the Row & column headers for the Excel worksheet.

5.       Show or hide the Gridlines for the worksheet.

6.       Show or hide the Sheet tabs for the workbook.


Be sure to study carefully and do the toolbars Lesson from your Reed Jacobson textbook in preparation for doing this assignment.


How to create the buttons on the Show/Hide Options toolbar?


When you have the Customize dialog box open and have any toolbar button selected, you can choose the command Edit Button Image… to bring up the Button Editor dialog box.  Here is what that dialog box looks like:


You can select a color from the color palette.  It is clear that black is currently selected.  Or you can choose the Erase: color to remove colors.


If you have a color selected and click on a colored pixel, one of two things will happen:


1.       If the colored pixel is the same color as the selected painting color, the color will be erased.



Due date:  Monday, September 30th, 2002


Quiz #1:  Friday, October 4th, 2002

If the colored pixel is a different color than the selected palette color, the new color will replace the previous color.


What is the easiest way to create the 2nd and 3rd buttons?  Use the Change Button Image command to change from the smiley face default icon to the Left or the directional arrow for button 2.  Then use the Edit Button Image to draw in dark blue and add the Right arrow shape to the icon.  Then do the same process to create the 3rd button.


What is the easiest way to create the 4th and 5th buttons?  Use the Copy Button Image command when the spell/grammar check button on the Standard toolbar is selected (or when the align left button on the Formatting toolbar is selected).  Then select the new, custom button and choose Paste Button Image.  Then you can Edit Button Image to modify the image to look like my Show/Hide Options toolbar.

Here is what the Customize dialog box Toolbars tab Attach… command button brings up as a dialog box.  Be sure to Attach your new toolbar to a workbook and save it with that workbook.  I suggest the name Toolbars.xls for the workbook.  Save it to your Z: drive, if you are working in the lab.  Just name it Toolbars, and let Microsoft Excel add the file extension (suffix), which will be .xls for Excel.  I will have Text Box: Note:  You need to add your three initials to the name of each toolbar.
·	Move Objects MFJ
·	Align Objects MFJ
·	Show/Hide Options MFJ
you turn in a diskette with the working Excel spreadsheet on it.


Here is what the Button Editor dialog looked like after I finished creating the customized image for the showing and hiding of the Excel worksheet Gridlines.  Of course, each button must have a Tooltip to suggest what it is for, but the image itself should always be planned so it intuitively suggests the task that the button is designed to perform.



Here is what the Button Editor looked like just before starting to create the above picture.  It has an exact copy of the Align Left button image as the starting point.  Copy Button Image command with the Align Left icon selected was the 1st step.  The 2nd step was Paste Button Image.  The 2nd step was done after selecting the custom button, the happy face button.



Lesson One of the textbook shows how to “Toggle the value of a property with a macro”.  Study these pages.  You will need to use the Not keyword so that your Visual Basic statement changes the value of a property from True to False or from False to True.