Wireshark (formerly ethereal) for network analysis, TCP/IP, Ethernet, OSI 7 layers, subnet masks, ...

  1. Download and install Wireshark, formerly known as Ethereal.

  2. Assignment using Wireshark packet analysis software.

    HINT and HELP For Q5: Helpful wireshark Photoshop enhanced screen snapshot for Q5 of the homework.

  3. Capture files used in the assignment are located here: Capture Files for practice and/or for assignments.

  4. Port 443 and Port 80: HTTP versus HTTPS and the transPORT layer. Telnet Port versus SSH Port.

    OSI P D N T S P A 7 layers and TCP/IP 4 layers.

  5. If you are into WRAP: How ENCAPSULATION works. Transmit wrap it up - D, DH, DHH, DHHH, DHHHH travel then DHHHH, DHHH, DHH, DH, D - Receive and unwrap.

  6. How to Subnet a Network using SUBNET MASKs approach.