Vicki Dalton's Microcomputer Systems Practice Quiz

Enter your answers and then click on the "Check Answers" button to see how many you answered correctly. Good luck!

1. Two of the CPU designs we discussed in class were RISC and CISC. What does the "R" in "RISC" stand for?

2. One type of encoding used for error detection and correction is NRZ, or "Non Return to" what?

3. What does OCR stand for in scanner technology?

4. In the animated GIF below, which letter best represents the chaos command used to obtain help about the 'gifmerge' command?
5. Check the box if the following statement is true.

Internal clock speed tells how many clock pulses or ticks are available per second.

6. Check the box if the following statement is true.

In the animated GIF below, "B" is the correct representation of a star topology.

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