Quiz two - Wednesday, April 3rd

  1. Study over the handouts from Friday, March 29th. Ignore the questions that are over material we have not covered in class. Do your quiz one again, to review and prepare for quiz two. I included it on the handout so you can easily take it without looking at your answers from last time.

  2. How does a SCANNER work? Pixels, Phosphors, RGB color issues. See the scanner slide show. See the Scanner PowerPoint presentation and study it carefully.

  3. POST, BIOS, address F000 in BIOS, the beginning of the boot process.

  4. The CRC checking. Do the practice quiz and review the practice problems from class handouts.

  5. Fetch/execute cycle and ROM and RAM and cache memory, L1 cache versus L2 cache. Why cache is needed?

  6. The FAT file system and related material about disk storage, sectors and clusters, slack space, etc.

  7. The Networking with TCP/IP and the Internet readings and lecture notes. Reread pages 519-530 on subnets, subnetting, IP addresses, Network classes A, B and C, octets, and dotted decimal notation.

  8. Practice questions on CRC and codewords, along with backup and support material, in PhotoShop color.