Adobe Flash and Adobe After Effects Simulation and Modeling

  1. SPRINGING: Flash Easing and Springing concepts can be skimmed over, but please IGNORE all the programming code (Actionscript 3.0). The discussion of some of the concepts and topics is interesting. This is Chapter 08 from the Flash book: Foundation ActionScript 3.0: Making Things Move.
  2. Springing example of modeling of swinging a ball on an elastic band - SPRINGING - we will do in the StudioIT 1 computer lab class on Thursday, March 11th. I call it Nunchaku in honor of Okinawan Sho Rin Ryu karate and Tadashi Yamashita.
  3. After Effects Expressions free PDF chapter is a good introduction to AE Expressions concepts and skills.
  4. Folding Paper 50 times to illustrate EXPONENTIAL GROWTH rates. Tuesday - March 9th, 2010 class.
  5. Simulating 3D and and modeling gravity using Flash: Very nice demo to check out. Be sure to click on the application to give it the focus, or the arrow keys will not work.
  6. A Flash physics based animation that we will get working in StudioIT 1 lab class sometime soon.
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