CS 1025 Computational Modeling and Simulation
CS 1025 Modern Tools for Exploring Data

Test One Study Guide - Spring 2016 - Tuesday, March 8th

  1. VIP: Data Flyer guide with practice questions, data and concepts. Data Flyer will be on the test and you will be able to use the Data Flyer tool on the web at SHODOR.

  2. NetLOGO Turtle Trigonometry we did in class. Try this again on your own, without looking at the solution. Then try it again after studying the solution.

    How does it compare to your answer: Turtle Trigonometry Solution with help on how to approach most or all of the problems using the Ghostbusters i. ii. iii. step approach of i. Venkman, ii. Stantz, and Spengler.

  3. The Mystery Distance and Pythagorean Theorem 10/21 test one followup.

    Worksheet - Oct 21st midterm followup exercise 8 questions.

  4. SOH CAH TOA Trigonometry review/background for Turtle Trig and bouncing ball exercises. Sine, Cosine, Tangent.

    Turtle Trigonometry exercise. Heading, xcor, ycor, and turtle #1 having similar triangle to turtle #2.

  5. The Monte Carlo throwing darts and turtles to estimate the area of a region. Four part formula.

  6. The Game of LIFE model and some additional sample test questions on NetLogo for practice and study.

  7. NetLOGO SHOW THE OUTPUT practice questions along with TORUS concept.