Ghostbusters, Waggle Dancing Bees, and Coaching the Artist/Programmer Within

CS 1020 - assignment/task for May 3rd, 2012

3-4:50 pm Thursday - Microcomputer Systems

  1. SPRING 2012 See the one page Eric Maisel handout: Coaching the Artist Within - SKILL THREE Getting a Grip on your Mind handout: "I'm studying the effects of negative reinforcement on ESP ability."

    1. Carefully read the Eric Maisel handout and take some notes.

    2. Reread the Ghostbusters ghost.txt material and take notes, raise questions on what aspects of the Eric Maisel handout and the material are connected. Hints: Polya quota, negative reinforcement, VET SAT AUC, TVV SO YMDC, slimed and slimers, step one understand the problem.

    3. The Thursday 04/26/2012 Eric Maisel Getting A Grip On Your Mind creativity handout given out during class (in case you missed or misplaced your handout):

    4. EricMaisel2.pdf might be easier to read and includes labeled pages AAA to EEE. This is the one page expanded to 5 pages (Pages AAA, BBB, CCC, DDD, and EEE) - Same information on 5 sheets.

    a. > NOTES: 2 pages to turn in... Please do this part a, i.e. these part a. NOTES!
    Turn in two pages of the notes, questions, and brainstorming you do on the above Eric Maisel readings. Two pages is one sheet of paper front and back. Your notes of course are on Eric Maisel readings and/or on how they are related to Ghostbusters. Everyone has experience from last semester discussing and hearing about Ghostbusters during the class and during the final exam period.

    Your thoughts, insights, confusions, and/or connections (to your major, hobbies, interests, career goals, citizenship, current events) with the Maisel Getting a Grip on your Mind handout and Ghostbusters movie is fine for these two pages (one sheet).

    DO THIS part a. NOTES: ...

    b. > ESSAY: 1 to 2 pages to turn in... SKIP THIS part b. SKIP the ESSAY!
    Turn in a one to two page essay/reflection about the Coaching the Artist WITHIN - SKILL THREE - Getting A Grip On Your Mind and what you have learned from it and/or how it will influence you in your major and career goals. Your essay will grow out of the notes/brainstorming. We will share these during the class in the final exam day activity/discussion.

    DO NOT DO THIS part b. ESSAY: ... SKIP THIS ESSAY! ...

You can feel free to IGNORE all of the following material below here. The questions below here are NOT assigned, but may be useful to some of you. The Jurassic Park material is just for inspiration, as is the Ghostbusters animated AE example and music. Some useful links are included.
  1. The MAGIC of Jurassic Park - you tube Hellothasaurus calls them the Jurassic Park WONDER clips - at about 1:52 you will see flight. Is flocking behavior happening?
  2. Dinosaur treats will be handed out at the final.

    Author of book Jurassic Park tribute: Michael Crichton - TV show ER (Good connection to the SIM ONE simulation model used at USC medical school).

    Described as author of scientific thrillers. Science and mathematics should be thrilling, right? It can be. Right? Write! Biction! The last 3 letters of the word THINK. Let the INK flow.

      "a great storyteller"
      "In 1994 he created the award winning TV series, ER."

    You tube video that looks at every species of dinosaur in the movie Jurassic Park: From 01:23 to 01:42 is the scene in the movie after which they discuss having observed the amazing flocking behavior amonst the fleet footed, graceful sprinting Gallimimus who nearly trample them, perhaps like a herd of stampeding buffalo in the movie Dances With Wolves.

  3. REREAD and STUDY: Ghostbusters and waggle dancing bees ... GHOSTBUSTERS and WAGGLE DANCING BEES readings were covered in Fall of 2011 MASI class too!


    VIP: .

  4. Adobe After Effects enhanced photo - See the 3 Ghostbusters - Pete, Ray and Egon - characters representing problem solving, programming, building computer simulations and models, and also applying to far more - communication, dialogue, politics, music, sports psychology -

    Ghostbuster's song segment with some dialogue from scene #3 - Scott and Jennifer and Dr. Peter Venkman - negative reinforcement and ESP ability. Another version of the same Flash application visually shows the left and right sound channels for the stereo song.

    1. Dr. Peter Venkman symbolizes what phase of the four step problem solving process? Short answer discuss.

    2. Dr. Raymond Stantz symbolizes what phase of the four step problem solving/programming/model building process? Short answer discuss.

    3. Dr. Egon Spengler symbolizes what phase of the four step computer troubleshooting, programming and model building process? Short answer discuss.

    4. What are the 3 D's that waggle dancing bees convey when they are solving the problem of overpopulation of a successful colony and need to split it or the need to relocate a colony due to destruction of their food source. Think of 3D as in 3D graphics, but D and D and D are just a convenient way to remember the lessons of the waggle dancing bees for computational modeling and simulation and programming NetLogo issues. Fill in the blanks question.

  5. What is INK SHEDDING? What is Free Writing (PDF by Peter Elbow) and why it is so easy, yet so valuable. It is the most stress-free forms of writing, cause you can babble. An ink-shedding free-writing exercise that ties the entire take home test ideas together. Ink shedding and free writing are both quite stress-FREE, by the way, so no worries, mates, as an Aussie might say.