810:025 01 Classes 1, 2 and 3 review... August 23, 25, 27 - Fall 2010

810:025 01 Computational Modeling and Simulation - week #1

  1. Syllabus for the 810:025 01 class.

  2. What types of things we will do in 810:025 this fall. About how much time will be spent on each topic and what software is used.

  3. Here is a quote from our textbook: Turtles, Termites and Traffic Jams by Resnick.
            "A flock of birds sweeps across the sky.
             Like a well-choreographed dance troupe,
                the birds veer to the left in unison.
                   they all dart to the right
                      and swoop down toward the ground.
             Each movement seems perfectly coordinated.
             The flock as a whole is as graceful---maybe
                 more graceful--than
                                   any of the birds
                                               within it."
  4. Class one review - email note from Monday afternoon with URLs, with cro, fd, rt, pd, pu, ca and repeat 4 [fd 5 rt 90] drawing of a square commands reviewed.

  5. Wednesday, Class #2 and Friday, Class #3 (StudioIT 1 ITT 134 lab) covered almost all of the following NetLogo. Please look over these TEN NETLOGO commands to review what we have covered so far.
     1. ca  -   clear all is abbreviated ca   for clear all
                                                  -     -
                Any turtles created with cro or crt are destroyed and removed from 
                the turtle GRID world.
                Any drawings that have been created are erased.  Drawing would have been
                created with turtles moving about with their PD Pens Down, or pd tails dragging.
     2. cro  -  cro 8    create ordered turtles and since ----------  =  45 degrees, 
                                  the heading or directions of the 8 turtles  
                                  would be:                            
                                                0 and  45 and 
                                               90 and 135 and
                                              180 and 225 and
                                              270 and 315
                cro 36    create ordered turtles with each turtle facing 10 degrees more than
                          the first turtle.
                                              Headings would be 0, 10, 20, 30, ... , 340, 350
                                                                   degrees for the 36 turtles.
     3. crt n     crt 10    creates 10 turtles, but they have random headings.
                  crt 8     creates 8 turtles, located at (0,0) the same as cro would do,
                            but they have totally random headings.
                            You discover the random headings or directions the turtles are 
                            facing when you do the command fd n, such as:
                            crt 16
                            ask turtles [ fd 8 ]
                                 would show you that the turtles were facing every which way,
                                 and NOT facing a very symmetric 0, 22.5, 45, 67.5, 90, ... etc.
                                 Do you understand the difference between CRO and CRT now?
     4. turtles - two vip facts about any turtle at any moment:  position and heading
                                                                 --------     -------
        turtles have a position (or location)...   2D = 2 dimensional space = 2D space
                                                   The default position of any turtle
                                                   created with cro or crt command is (0, 0),
                                                   which is the very center of the GRID of
                                                   patches, the very center of the turtles 2D
        turtles have a heading, or a direction that they are facing and will move in
                when asked to go forward with the fd command.
     5. pu = pen up   - pu or pen up or turtle tail up is the DEFAULT.  Any turtle created
                        by cro or crt will be DEFAULT have its pen up.
        pd = pen down - turtle will leave a trail or draw a line when it moves when its
                        pen is down.
     6. fd n - tells the turtle to move forward n steps or a length of n grid units.
                                        -     -
               fd 5    moves the turtle forward 5 steps.
               fd 14   moves the turtle forward 14 steps or grid units.
               If a turtle was facing due NORTH on the grid and at center square, 
               i.e. its position was (0,0), and we told it to move forward 5 units,
               with fd 5 command, where would it be?
               (0, 5) would be the location of the turtle.
                            ---       --------
               If a turtle was facing to the left, i.e. to due west on the grid,
               and at (0, 0) or the default start location for all turtles,
               and we said:
                            fd 14
               the turtles 
                           location would now be (-14, 0) 
        bk n    examples     bk 3       tell to turtle to move or walk backwards or back
                             bk 14                                     -  -         -  -
                             bk 5              3 or 14 or 5 or 12 steps.
                             bk 12                         
     7. rt n     turn right n degrees   rt = RighT    examples    rt 45   rt 90   rt 10
        lt n     turn left n degrees    lt = LefT     examples    lt 120  lt 180   lt 14   lt 5
        Note:  The following two commands would result in exactly the same heading
               for any turtle, i.e. are two ways of a turtle obeying an about face command:
               rt 180        and       lt 180
               It just depends on whether you want the turtles to turn clockwise
                                                            or to turn counterclockwise.
               In any case, every computer would do this SO FAST, you would not be able to tell
               which way the turtle turned!
     8. repeat n [ what statements you want repeated n times ]
        repeat 4 [ fd 10  rt 90 ]      draws a square with side length 10 units, 
                                       if the PD pen is down with pd.  
                                       You don't see the square that the turtle traced 
                                       if the pu pen was up with pu instead of pd.
                                       So don't forget to put the pen down with PD when
                                       you want to DRAW some graphics with the turtles!

  6. Video tutorial review/discussion of the NetLogo demonstrations and skills that were covered this week.
    Note: VIDEO REVIEW TUTORIAL Part One is READY now. - Probably ready by Sunday early afternoon.

  7. Preview of some models we will play with during week #2:

    • Model of a cocktail party and how the men and women might interact and move about.
    • NetLogo Traffic Jams - model of how traffic flows and jams can form.
    • Model of Muscle Development and exercise physiology relevant for your WRC workouts, if they include weight lifting.

    You can run these in your web browser, so feel free to try them out before I show you how to run and use them in class.

  8. Free NetLogo software: DOWNLOAD NETLOGO link - software is available for Macs and for PCs.