' Written on Thursday, June 25th during 810:030 class...

Private Sub cmdShowByHeight_Click()

    Dim playersHeights(16) As String, _
        playersHeightsInches(16) As Integer, _
        players(16) As String, _
        playerHeight As String

    Open "Z:\web\UNIplayers.txt" For Input As #10

    numberOfPlayers = 0

    Do Until EOF(10)
        Input #10, playerNumber, playerName, playerHeight

        players(numberOfPlayers) = playerName
        playersHeights(numberOfPlayers) = playerHeight
        playersHeightsInches(numberOfPlayers) = heightToInches(playerHeight)

        numberOfPlayers = numberOfPlayers + 1

    For i = 0 To numberOfPlayers - 2
        locShortest = i
        For j = i + 1 To numberOfPlayers - 1
            If playersHeightsInches(j) < playersHeightsInches(locShortest) Then
                locShortest = j
            End If
        Next j

        ' Swap the shortest into its location...

        tempName = players(locShortest)
        tempHeight = playersHeights(locShortest)
        tempInches = playersHeightsInches(locShortest)

        players(locShortest) = players(i)
        playersHeights(locShortest) = playersHeights(i)
        playersHeightsInches(locShortest) = playersHeightsInches(i)

        players(i) = tempName
        playersHeights(i) = tempHeight
        playersHeightsInches(i) = tempInches
    Next i

    Print vbCrLf & vbCrLf

    For i = numberOfPlayers - 1 To 0 Step -1
        Print " " & players(i);

        CurrentX = 2400

        Print playersHeights(i) & _
              IIf(Len(playersHeights(i)) < 4, "  ", " ") & _
    Next i
    Close #10

End Sub