-------------------------------------------------------------------------- We started to talk about Control Arrays today, and a control array of Labels was demonstrated. lblUNI(0) had .Caption of U lblUNI(1) had .Caption of N lblUNI(2) had .Caption of I The Timer1 object had .Enabled = True and .Interval = 1000 ' This program does the following 3 actions for each of the ' three letters U, N and I stored in the Control Array lblUNI ' Note: lblUNI(0) displays U ' lblUNI(1) displays N ' lblUNI(2) displays I ' 1. Randomly change the Alignment to either 0 - Left Justify, ' 1 - Right Justify ' or 2 - Centered ' 2. Randomly choose one of 16 different colors for each letter ' 3. Randomly choose a font size between 8 and 57 inclusive Private Sub Timer1_Timer() For i = 0 To 2 lblUNI(i).Alignment = Int(Rnd * 3) lblUNI(i).ForeColor = QBColor(Int(Rnd * 16)) lblUNI(i).FontSize = Int(Rnd * 50 + 8) Next i End Sub