' 11/11/05 followup example program ' Do NOT worry about this code at all, but if you are curious ' about arrays and want to look it over, feel free to. Dim f(10) As Single Dim g(10) As Single Dim fSize As Integer Dim gSize As Integer Private Sub cmdFunction_f_Click() fString = txtFunction_f.Text & " " i = 0 Do While Len(fString) > 0 whereSpace = InStr(fString, " ") f(i) = Val(Left(fString, whereSpace - 1)) CurrentX = -2.1 ' Print fString fString = Right(fString, Len(fString) - whereSpace) i = i + 1 Loop fSize = i End Sub Function ff(x As Variant) As Single answer = 0 For i = 0 To fSize - 1 Step 2 answer = answer + f(i) * x ^ f(i + 1) Next i ff = answer End Function Private Sub cmdPlot_Click() For i = -1 To 1 Step 0.01 PSet (i, ff(i)) Next i Form1.ForeColor = vbBlue CurrentY = 5 End Sub Private Sub cmdShowFunction_Click() Static showTimes As Integer showTimes = showTimes + 1 Print CurrentY = 7 - showTimes CurrentX = -2.1 For i = 0 To fSize - 1 Step 2 If i > 0 And f(i) > 0 Then Print "+"; Print Str(f(i)); If f(i + 1) <> 0 Then Print "x"; If (f(i + 1) <> 1) Then CurrentY = CurrentY + 0.2 Print Str(f(i + 1)); CurrentY = CurrentY - 0.2 Else Print " "; End If End If Next i Print End Sub Private Sub Form_Initialize() Line (-2.1, 0)-(2.1, 0) Line (0, 8)-(0, -1) For i = 1 To 7 Line (-0.1, i)-(0.1, i) Next i For x = -2 To 2 Step 0.5 Line (x, -0.1)-(x, 0.1) Next x CurrentY = 8 Form1.ForeColor = vbRed End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Scale (-2.1, 8)-(2.1, -1) Form1.DrawWidth = 2 End Sub