Assignment 2 - summer 2002

   Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 12:12:26
   From: Mark Jacobson 
Subject: 2nd assignment due Wednesday, 6 p.m.

Hi Visual Basic students,

    Chapter 3 programs, Project #2 and Project #3 should be turned in
during class on Wednesday or in my office or under my office door (Wright
106) by 6 p.m. on Wednesday, June 19th.

    Page 98 and 99 have Project #2 and #3, and they are the continuation
of your Projects #2 and #3 from the assignment that is due today.

    Project #2 has you calculate the cost for a lawn treatment, by
multiplying the cost per square foot times the square footage area of the
customer's lawn.

    Project #3 has you calculate the MPG (Miles Per Gallon) given the
miles and the gallons of gas purchased for the entire trip.


  1. On page 99 you are welcome to delete the RED words from the following sentence in the project 2 description.

    Format the cost per square foot and treatment cost as dollars and cents.

    Or you can do the following or something like it, but remember, it is OPTIONAL. The textbook had no business giving such a task unless the cost per square foot was always at least one penny or greater.

  2. How do I FORMAT 0.002 and numbers that are less than 0.005 to show up in the lawn care project. Numbers like 0.005 will show up as $0.01, which is okay.

    See page 99 and suggested test data:     Caroline Meyers gets the bargain treatment cost of $0.002 per square foot. In other words, 5 square feet for a penny.

  3. When the textbook says on page 99 in describing Project 2, that you are to

    Format the cost per square foot and treatment cost as dollars and cents.

    that would NOT be a problem is the cost per square foot were always at least one penny, or even at least rounded up to be $0.01 when formatted. However, 0.002 gets formatted at $0.00 and that is not very useful to look at.