Name                                                                                                                                                      Row                                       


1.       Write the code so that the match (the fire image) causes the Image6 icon to be displayed in the Image1 control instead of its currently displayed icon.  Your code should change the dropped object (no matter what it was) to be invisible after the DragDrop event has happened.  The match has fire as its Tag value.


Private Sub Image1_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)








End Sub

2.       Name the two properties that have to be set in order that a Label or a TextBox be a data aware object?



3.       Your form must contain a different data control for every table in the database that you want to get field data from.

T             or             F


4.       List and briefly describe the three possible types of values or things that the RecordSet property of the Data control could be set to at Design time or Run time, assuming the Connect property is Access, for Microsoft Access databases, which are the ones we looked at in class.



5.       What Data control property can take a SQL statement as its value at Design time or at Run time?


6.       What are the first four phases or stages of the problem solving process?









7.       The waggle dancing bees have the most to do with what phase of the problem solving process, according to the lectures and handouts?


8.       What phase of the problem solving/programming process has the most to do with listening.


9.       What phase of the problem solving process has the most to do with plans and planning?


10.   What phase of the problem solving process has a focus on WHAT the problem is instead of HOW to solve it?



11.   What phase of the problem solving process has a focus on HOW, on coming up with the step by step algorithmic plan of HOW to solve the problem?



12.   What phase of the problem solving process asks the questions what is given and what is the goal?



13.   What phase of the problem solving process asks is it simple enough and is it adequate?


14.   Suppose you have a menu that is named mnuChangeImage and you want it to be a context-sensitive menu and show up when the user right-clicks the mouse on the imgPhotoFrame image control.


·         What event procedure needs to be programmed. What will it be named?



·         Write the code that the event procedure will contain, so that the menu mnuChangeImage is displayed when the user of your program right-clicks on the imgPhotoFrame image control.  You do not need to have all the arguments in the Private Sub correctly listed, just the main one.  There are four arguments total for the event procedure.








15.   Write the statement to erase the drawing that has happened on Picture1 picture control:



16.   Write the entire event procedure that would make the gif file JEWEL.GIF be displayed in the control imgMusicians. The Image control imgMusicians will display this when you click the command button cmdDisplayJewel. The path to get to the JEWEL.GIF file is A:\JEWEL.GIF, since we will assume it is on a diskette.





17.   What are the names of the two properties that are commonly set for any control that you want the user to be able to drag.  We dragged bananas and gasoline and matches to a trash barrel, for example..




18.   Use the _______________________ method of a recordset to rebuild the recordset when you want to change to a new set of records during runtime.  Forgetting to do this statement would be a confusing slimer to track down!


19.   How can you select multiple controls when you are designing your form and user interface?  You might want to select multiple controls so you can align them or make them all the same size or same distance apart, for example.




20.   What is the tag property used for, as demonstrated in class and handouts?


21.   Write the single Visual Basic statement that would be used to display the following.  Do not worry about the Title bar part of the window!



22.   Write the single Visual Basic statement to display the following and store the value of the number that the user entered in the variable named radius.






23.   What is the name of the property that tells the number of items currently stored in a list box?



24.   Draw a picture and demonstrate your understanding of the difference between a user using a SmallChange and a LargeChange property.


25.   What is the value of Left(“Panthers”, 3)?


26.   What is the value of Right(“Panthers”, 4)?


27.   What is the value of Mid(“Panthers”, 2, 3)?


28.   Write a complete Visual Basic assignment statement to simulate the throwing of a die (one of a pair of dice).  Store (assign to the toss variable) the value 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 in the variable named toss.  Assume that toss is not declared and is thus type Variant.


29.   Write the Visual Basic statement to draw a line across the form, horizontally, from the left edge of the form to the right edge of the form.  Assume the form is named Form1.  Place the line on row 100 of the Form1 object.  It goes all the way across the form Form1.



30.   Write the Visual Basic statement (or statements) to make the color of the 1st pixel in the 1st row the same color as the last pixel in the last row of Picture1.  The 1st pixel in the 1st row will be changed to the color of the last pixel in that row for the Picture1 PictureBox control. 






31.   What would be the output of the following code when the user clicks on the Form.  Show what the output would look like.