Begin VB.Form Form1 Caption = "Form1" Begin VB.Image imgTrash DragIcon = "rockPaperDragDrop.frx":0000 DragMode = 1 'Automatic Picture = "rockPaperDragDrop.frx":0442 Stretch = -1 'True End Begin VB.Image imgScissors DragIcon = "rockPaperDragDrop.frx":074C DragMode = 1 'Automatic Picture = "rockPaperDragDrop.frx":0B8E Stretch = -1 'True Tag = "Scissors" End Begin VB.Image imgPaper DragIcon = "rockPaperDragDrop.frx":2920 DragMode = 1 'Automatic Picture = "rockPaperDragDrop.frx":2D62 Stretch = -1 'True Tag = "Paper" End Begin VB.Image imgRock DragIcon = "rockPaperDragDrop.frx":58B4 DragMode = 1 'Automatic Picture = "rockPaperDragDrop.frx":5CF6 Stretch = -1 'True Tag = "Rock" End End ' Use the Edit toolbar to quickly Comment or ' Uncomment and entire block (or selection) of code. ' View menu, Toolbars command, Edit to display Edit toolbar. ' The Comment Block button is the 9th button, Uncomment Block ' button is the 10th button. 'Private Sub imgTrash_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single) ' If Source.Tag = "Scissors" Then ' If imgRock.Visible = True Or imgPaper.Visible = True Then ' MsgBox "Sorry, scissors must be thrown away last!" ' Exit Sub ' End If ' End If ' Source.Visible = False 'End Sub 'Private Sub imgTrash_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single) ' If Source.Tag = "Scissors" And _ ' (imgRock.Visible Or imgPaper.Visible) Then ' MsgBox "Sorry, scissors has to be last item thrown." ' Else ' Source.Visible = False ' End If 'End Sub Private Sub imgTrash_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single) If Source.Tag <> "Scissors" Then Source.Visible = False ElseIf imgPaper.Visible Or imgRock.Visible Then MsgBox "Sorry. Scissors must be last item." Else imgScissors.Visible = False End If End Sub 'Private Sub imgTrash_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single) ' Source.Visible = False ' If Source.Tag = "Scissors" Then ' If imgRock.Visible Or imgPaper.Visible Then ' Source.Visible = True ' MsgBox "Scissors is thrown away last of all." ' End If ' End If 'End Sub