1. What are the three types of things that the Data control RecordSource property can be set to at Design time or at Run time? Name them. 2. The command button cmdSortByLengthOfProductName is supposed to change the to a new set of records from the database. The SQL statement you will want to use is: SELECT ProductName FROM Products Order By Len(ProductName) Write the entire cmdSortByLengthOfProductName_Click() event procedure code statements that would be in that procedure. 3. What is the difference between a Table and a Record? 4. Explain the difference between a record and a field. 5. What should the DataSource property be always set to if we want to make its object part of the database interface? 6. Which should always be set first at Design time? a. The DataField property or b. The DataSource property 7. Suppose we are programming an application that has two forms. The 2nd form is named frmFlexGrid. When we click the button on the 1st form named cmdBringUpFlexGrid, we want this frmFlexGrid to be displayed. Write the statement(s) that would need to be in the cmdBringUpFlexGrid_Click() event procedure. 8. Suppose we have a global variable named NumberOfRecords. It tells how many records we have in the current set of records that the last SQL query returned. For example, we might have 100 movie quotes of all categories, or 33 comedy movie records, or 16 drama movie records or 51 action/adventure records. Finish the following event procedure so that the NumberOfRecords variable has the correct value when the user changed the SQL query. Private Sub cmdNewSetOfMovies_Click() SQL = InputBox("Give me the SQL query, you database expert you") Data1.RecordSource = SQL ' Code for counting records (statements) goes here. MsgBox "Your SQL Query was: " & SQL & vbCrLf _ "It returned " & NumberOfRecords & _ " records for your movie guessing game recreations." End Sub 9. Have a great career or 3 weeks off until August 27th and then a great fall semester! End of study guide.