The 1st programming assignment could be called Initial Maker software. It is a simple VB program that takes a name as its input and outputs the initials for the given name: INPUT OUTPUT (after clicking cmdMakeInitials command button) ----- ------ John Vincent JVA Atanasoff ----------- The output goes into a Label control. It is named lblInitials. ----------- The input was typed into 3 different TextBoxes. 1. txtFirstName is the TEXTBOX where the user types in their first name. 2. txtMiddleName is another TEXTBOX control. 3. txtLastName is the TEXTBOX for their last name. 4. lblInitials is the LABEL for displaying the output or results. 5. cmdMakeInitials is the COMMAND BUTTON that the user clicks when they --------------- want to see the results. 6. cmdMakeInitials_Click() is the name of the EVENT that transforms the input data John Vincent Atanasoff into the output results -----> JVA The classic program follows a logic of 1. INPUT - get the input data. 2. PROCESS - process the input to obtain the desired answers or results. 3. OUTPUT - display or print out the results. In the Visual Basic program you provide 3 textbox controls, txtFirstName Sally <---- INPUT txtMiddleName NormaRae <---- INPUT txtLastName Field <---- for the user to type in their input data, some person's name, and you write the code or statements for <------ PROCESS -- PROCESS the Private Sub cmdMakeInitials_Click() event procedure, which PROCESSes that input data Sally NormaRae Field to extract the 1st letter of each string of characters, and then concatenate the S and N and F, finally placing the exciting result <------ OUTPUT into the Label lblInitials. OUTPUT ----------- OUTPUT INPUT I IPO PROCESS P OUTPUT O I P O The first programming assignment will not be due until one week from Friday, It is due on on Friday, September 9th. Wednesday's class this week and Wednesday's class next week (8/31 and 9/7) should make everything clear for this first assignment. Friday 9/2 class will also be helpful in giving you the experience for how to get screen snapshots of running programs. The 810:030 class is a BEGINNING programming class and requires not previous experience or computer background. I will demonstrate some additional features in class for this program that involve the KeyPress() event for the Textbox controls, so that the user can press the Enter (or Return) key and have the Focus (where the Cursor is at or what part of the Application Initial Maker user interfact (GUI = Graphical User Interface) is active at the time. The .SetFocus method will be used to change the Focus from txtFirst to txtMiddle when the user presses the Enter key, for example.