1. Describe exactly what is happening in English and then go look at the code. It should help you understand part B of the Laundry program better, and suggest ideas for how to get that finished up.

  2. Here is the Java code...
    import objectdraw.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class ColorDragging extends WindowController
       private Location lastPoint;
       private FilledRect rectA, 
       private boolean draggingSwatch;   // Dragging dirty laundry item hint...
       private int currentSwatchColorIndex;
       private RandomIntGenerator generator;
       private static final int    RED = 1;
       private static final int PURPLE = 2;
       private static final int ORANGE = 3;
       private static final int   BLUE = 4;
       private static final int   CYAN = 5;
       private static final int YELLOW = 6;
       private static final int RECT_WIDTH = 100;
       private static final int RECT_HEIGHT = 50;
       private static final Location COLOR_SWATCH_LOCATION = 
                                                        new Location(150, 100);
       public void begin()
          generator = new RandomIntGenerator(1, 6);
          rectA = new FilledRect(25, 200, RECT_WIDTH, RECT_HEIGHT, canvas);
          rectB = new FilledRect(150, 200, RECT_WIDTH, RECT_HEIGHT, canvas);
          rectC = new FilledRect(275, 200, RECT_WIDTH, RECT_HEIGHT, canvas); 
          rectColorSwatch = new FilledRect(COLOR_SWATCH_LOCATION,
                                           RECT_WIDTH, RECT_HEIGHT, canvas);    
          currentSwatchColorIndex = generator.nextValue();
          rectColorSwatch.setColor( whatColor(currentSwatchColorIndex) );
          changeColorButton = new FilledRect(100, 20, RECT_WIDTH * 2, 25, canvas);
          changeColorButton.setColor( Color.lightGray );
          Text t = new Text( "Change Swatch Color", 140, 25, canvas );
          t.setColor( Color.blue );
          Line hr = new Line(45, 280, 340, 280, canvas);
          hr.setColor( Color.orange );
          hr = new Line(45, 298, 340, 298, canvas);
          hr.setColor( Color.orange );
          new Text("Drag the swatch to any rectangle to change its color!",
                   50, 280, canvas);
          t = new Text("Color Swatch", 163, 114, canvas);
       public void onMousePress(Location point)
           draggingSwatch = rectColorSwatch.contains(point);
           if ( rectColorSwatch.contains(point) )
              lastPoint = point;
           else if (changeColorButton.contains(point))
              currentSwatchColorIndex = generator.nextValue();
              rectColorSwatch.setColor( whatColor( currentSwatchColorIndex ) );
       public void onMouseDrag(Location point)
          if ( draggingSwatch == true )
             rectColorSwatch.move( point.getX() - lastPoint.getX(), 
                                   point.getY() - lastPoint.getY() ); 
             lastPoint = point; 
       public void onMouseRelease(Location point)
           FilledRect rectForColoring;
           if ( draggingSwatch )
              rectColorSwatch.moveTo( COLOR_SWATCH_LOCATION );     
              if (rectA.contains(point))
                 rectForColoring = rectA;
              else if (rectB.contains(point))
                 rectForColoring = rectB;
              else if (rectC.contains(point))
                 rectForColoring = rectC;
                 rectForColoring = null;
              rectForColoring.setColor( whatColor( currentSwatchColorIndex ) );
       private Color whatColor( int colorIndex )
           if (colorIndex == RED)
              return ( Color.red );
           else if (colorIndex == PURPLE)
              return ( Color.magenta );
           else if (colorIndex == ORANGE)
              return ( Color.orange );
           else if (colorIndex == BLUE)
              return ( new Color(0, 0, 255) );
           else if (colorIndex == CYAN)
              return ( Color.cyan );
           else if (colorIndex == YELLOW)
              return ( new Color(255, 255, 0) );
              return Color.black;
  3. It looks like we only needed ONE variable for the int randomly chosen color value, not SIX variables!