Be sure to scroll down and look at the Java code BELOW the canvas.

We will discuss this program on Friday, September 13th in class.

  1. Notice how certain local variables are used over and over again. There are three BLUE FramedOval objects. Each one used the same variable, so it could be referenced. We passed each FramedOval the .setColor( message.

  2. // Mark Jacobson - September 12th, 2002 
    // To be handed out and discussed on Friday, Sept 13th in 810:061 class
    import objectdraw.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    /* program which demonstrates the contains method, as well
       as demonstrating the objectdraw.jar package RandomIntGenerator
       class, using the nextValue() method to pick a new randomly chosen 
       color for Humpty.  This program could be very useful around Easter
       time, lol! */
    public class OvalContainsPoint extends WindowController {
       private FilledOval humptyDumpty; 
       private RandomIntGenerator generator;
       public void begin() {
          FramedOval humptyFrame;
          FilledOval humptyMatting;
          new FilledOval(91, 191, 118, 68, canvas);
          humptyMatting = new FilledOval(94, 94, 112, 62, canvas);
          humptyDumpty = new FilledOval(100, 100, 100, 50, canvas);
          humptyFrame = new FramedOval(97, 97, 106, 56, canvas);
          humptyFrame = new FramedOval(98, 98, 104, 54, canvas);
          humptyFrame = new FramedOval(99, 99, 102, 52, canvas);
          generator = new RandomIntGenerator(0, 255);
          Text t;
          t = new Text("Click Humpty Dumpty and he will change color", 
                       50, 25, canvas);
          new Line(50, 25, 310, 25, canvas);
          new Line(50, 43, 310, 43, canvas); 
       public void onMousePress(Location point) {
          if ( humptyDumpty.contains(point) )   // conditional IF statement
          {                                     // first example of SELECTION
             int r, g, b;
             r = generator.nextValue();
             g = generator.nextValue();
             b = generator.nextValue();
             humptyDumpty.setColor( new Color(r, g, b) );