Hash table and binary seach tree assignment

Part Number n mod 17 n mod 19 n mod 13
328 5 5 3 Due date:  Wednesday, April 7th, 2004
207 3 17 12
304 15 0 5
206 2 16 11 See page 317, #51 of textbook for Hashing
367 10 6 3 See also many, many web page links and
400 9 1 10 your lecture notes for hashing.
465 6 9 10
395 4 15 5 See section 5.2 for binary trees and binary
246 8 18 12 search trees.
315 9 11 3 Also see the link to trees.html
269 14 3 9
Draw the size 17 address hash table and fill in the Automobile Part Numbers
as they would exist if we resolve collisions with the linear probe method.
Calculate both the successful and the unsuccessful search performance average
for your table.
Do the same for the size 19 table and calculate its performance for the above data
as well.  Calculate both successful and unsuccessful.
Draw the binary search tree for the same data shown above.  You do NOT need
to calculate the successful search average for your binary search tree!
Note:  You may do the n mod 13 instead of n mod 19, if you see this on the web page!
The n mod 19 turned out to be totally boring, as it was amazingly on injective function!