Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 17:10:00 -0500 (CDT) From: Mark Jacobson To: Subject: Read section 2.1 Hi 080 students, We just barely got started on chapter two, section 1 today at the very end of class. I will hand out solutions to one or two of the homework problems that were asked about today in class. (The homework was NOT collected today, as the Neko #4 cat not only did not win the race, it came in last)! Here is what we got to at the end of class. Prove that the sum of an even and an odd number is odd, i.e. Prove that If x is an even integer and y is an odd integer then the sum x + y is odd. -------------------------------------------- -------------------- If x is even and y is odd then the sum of x and y is odd. 1. x is even hyp 2. y is odd hyp GOAL to SHOW THAT x + y is odd 3. x = 2m for some integer m 1, definition of even 4. y = 2p + 1 for some 2, definition of odd integer p 5. TO BE CONITINUED in class ON Wednesday.... Note: How will be know that x + y is an odd integer????? When we have been able to show that x + y = 2t + 1 for some integer t. Note 2 divides even integers 2 does NOT divide odd integers 4 divides x means x = 4r for some integer r, i.e. x is a multiple of 4. 4 does not divide y means x = 4s + t where t = 1, 2, or 3, i.e. x can be expressed as 4 times some integer s plus a remainder t where t > 0 and t < 4 The even and odd numbers are special since when 2 does NOT divide m, we know that the remainder is 1, i.e. m can be expressed as 2a + 1 for some integer a. There exists integer a, such that m = 2a + 1 when m is an ODD integer. Mark