Class 16 review (07/01/2002)

  1. example with many, many CGI functions.

    Look at the PERL code and see all of the functions that can be used.

  2. PowerPoint slide show for Monday review and for Tuesday's class.

  3. Simplest example of CGI self-referencing PERL script.

    Simplest PERL code displayed.

  4. 2nd simplest example of CGI self-referencing PERL script, with more params(). Also contains multiple Submit buttons.

  5. See the SnowBall CGI code.

  6. Online PERL practice quiz, which requires your UNI user id and your password. Send me email if you forgot, lost or did not receive your password yet. Your password is 4 characters long. I can look it up for you. Note: The PERL graded quiz does NOT send me or send you email with your results at this time. I will fix that later. Feel free to play with the quiz now.