Study Guide for Final - Thursday, Dec 18th, 2014

  1. G h o s t b u s t e r s in row 1 output, and eleven EVEN row numbered HELLOs in column 1.

    Show the output! MID(whatString, whereToStart, howMany)...

    Sub whatIsTheOutput(), Function randomInteger(), Cells(whatRow, whatColumn), ...

  2. Four Practice Problems: Visual Basic for Applications = VBA - Excel VBA macros in-class exercise and followup hands-on lab classes.
    Know how to write these functions for the final exam 2014!

    Solutions to the other 3 exercises:
    Note: randomInteger() should be

               randomInteger() in Solution to Question #4:
            + lowInteger          (PLUS not MINUS, + not -)    <--- OOPS!
                                   ----     -----  
       theRandomNum = Int(Rnd * howManyIntegers + lowInteger
            as was explained and corrected in class on 09/27/2011
    VIP: EXCEL VBA SOLUTIONS - learn the syntax and semantics VBA basics.

    Do NOT look at the solutions until after you have tried to answer all the questions is the best strategy if you want to LEARN it anyway, btw.

  3. Excel VBA macros. Show the output. Understand WHAT the Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro code does.
  4. Test question example: Show the output of the Excel VBA macro. 09/09/09 class exercise. Try out the macro in Excel to check that your answer is correct.
  5. Racing rectangles and 23 Birthdays problem - variations - reporting results. Requires Internet Explorer for slides...

  6. Understanding Excel VBA functions. How they are different from SUBS. BIC pens and BICTION: email022VBAearnedWithBICTION.txt Compare with ActionScript 3.0 during Tuesday, October 12th review class.

    This is your brain before taking notes while reading, studying or sitting in a class. This is your brain after taking notes. See the HUGE difference? Compare to this is brain before the lecture and this is brain after the lecture where you did NOT take notes. Very little discernable difference. Very little intellectual growth. BICTION. If the ink don't flow, the understanding don't grow.

  7. The 23 birthdays macro has a need to update the counts. The SUB for doing that is shown below here. Why does r go from 3 to 24 instead of from 2 to 24? What does Cells(r, 2).Value refer to when r is 3? When r is 24? What cell in the Excel spreadsheet?
  8. Sub updateCounts()
        hadRepeat = False
        For r = 3 to 24 
            If Cells(r, 2).Value = "Repeat" Then
            	   hadRepeat = True
            End If
        Next r
        If hadRepeat = True Then
        	   Range("F2").Value = Range("F2").Value + 1
        End If
        Range("G2").Value = Range("G2").Value + 1
    End Sub

    Using Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, review the following Microsoft PowerPoint web published tutorial on doing an Excel VBA macro program to assess the 23 birthdays problem. Note: DOES NOT WORK with most web browsers. You need to use Windows Internet Explorer browser.