CS 1010 01 - Week #1 (Aug 21-23)

We will be moving to StudioIT 3 (ITTC 138)
2nd floor of the old East Gym.
ITTC 138 is just above the CCC (Computer Consulting Center)

Tuesday, August 21st

  1. The tentative outline and plan of topics and lynda.uni.edu tasks for the CS 1010 class.

  2. Excel VBA: Introduction to Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro recording and programming. Note: The converted PowerPoint presentation for the 23 birthdays problem requires Microsoft Internet Explorer.

  3. Introduce the Monty Hall simulation exercise. MONTY HALL game Playing the Monty Hall game with a model. Your simulation experiement will try to figure out which strategy is best - sticking with your first choice or switching to the other door.

Thursday, August 23rd

  1. Shooting Free Throws simulation using Excel VBA macros.

  2. ...