Function randomInteger(low As Integer, high As Integer) As Integer numOfInts = high - low + 1 r = Int(numOfInts * Rnd + low) randomInteger = r End Function Sub whatIsTheOutput() ' Tuesday, 09/27/2011 review problem ' Show the output... s = "Ghostbusters" For i = 2 To 12 Cells(2 * i, 1).Value = "Hello" ' 2 * i + 5 Cells(1, i).Value = Mid(s, i, 1) Next i End Sub ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The MID() function in Excel or in VBA is basically the same 3 arguments: MID(theStringVariableorConstant, whereToStart, howManyCharacters) MID(the String, what position to start at, how many characters to get) Example: MID("Ghostbusters", 6, 3) would go into the MIDdle of the STRING "Ghostbusters" and start at character 6, retrieve HOW MANY characters (3). So it would return the 6th, 7th, and 8th characters, i.e. the 3 characters beginning with the 6th character. 111 123456789012 Ghostbusters --- 123456789012 --- Cells(whatRowNumber, whatColumnNumber) Cells(i, 1) thus would always deal with column 1, column A of the spreadsheet. Cells(1, i) thus would always deal with ROW 1 of the spreadsheet. Cells(2*i, 1) would deal with column A only, but would deal with only EVEN NUMBERED ROWS, For i = 1 to 5 Cells(2 * i, 3).Value = 10 * i Next i Would place the following into column C, in rows 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. A B C row --- --- --- 1 2 10 3 4 20 5 6 30 7 8 40 9 10 50