Hello CS 1020 Microcomputer Systems students, http://www.cs.uni.edu/~jacobson/1020/ is our home page and it has a new link: http://www.cs.uni.edu/~jacobson/1020/PERLquotes.html This link is to the 7 students PERL/CGI projects that I have received so far. Check out the page to enjoy the quotes and ideas and photos from your classmates. Also, check to make sure your name and link is there, to make sure I have received your URL okay and posted it. Do not forget that there is a quiz on Tuesday, and a 4 question Hamming codeword assignment due on Tuesday too. The quiz will cover: 1. Convert binary to decimal. 2. Convert decimal to binary. 3. Understand the number system enough to figure out a base 5 or base 4 or base 7 number, and what its value is in base 10, Decimal. 4. Hexadecimal (base 16). 5. Basics of subnet masks for a class B network, octets, class A, B and C networks and IP numbers. Class A: w specifies the network, x,y,z is the host Class B: w.x specifies the network and y.z the host. Class C: w.x.y specifies the network and z the host. Class First octet pattern A 0xxxxxxx 0 through 127 B 10xxxxxx 128 through 191 (UNI is 134) C 110xxxxx 192 through 223 UNI is a class B network: is the network address, when the host bits are masked with class B mask. Class A mask: Class B mask: Class C mask: 255. 255.255.0 6. History of computers from the four generations to ABC and ENIAC and some of the persons. 7. Moore's law and doubling the number of transistors that can be placed on a single chip of silicon every 18 months or so. 8. Hamming codewords. 9. Please Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away. OSI SEVEN layers. 10. cd, ls, ls -l, using the > for output redirection and < for input redirection, and using the | to PIPE the output of one UNIX sunny command to be the input of another UNIX command. pwd, bc < bc.data, ls > myFiles, cd .. finger | wc finger PIPEoutputOf_fingerTOtheWordCountingcommand wc finger | wc Next week, besides the 25 minute quiz, we will spend quite a bit of time on Adobe Fireworks and on Adobe Photoshop on Tuesday and on Thursday. Mark